My son has still (at 4.5) a flat spot on the back of his head. I would get the helmet if she recommends it. You can help by keeping him upright as much as possible.
Hopefully someone has some encouraging words... my son has had a flat spot on the side of his head and I just went for a follow up visit with his pediatrian and she said she may suggest sending me to a specialist to get the little guy a helmet. She mentioned the flat spot is not effecting his head growth or interfering with the structure of his face, so it would be totally cosmetic. I was so disappointed to hear the news. She said she will make the call at his 4 month visit. Does anyone have any information on these helmets?
My son has still (at 4.5) a flat spot on the back of his head. I would get the helmet if she recommends it. You can help by keeping him upright as much as possible.
No information on helmets, but you could try to change the position he sleeps in his bed. Babies tend to turn toward the stimulation or noise. My daughter slightly had this and we just rotated the "head" of her bed to the other side and it corrected itself. Good luck.
I have not had your experience, but I remember hearing about a great way to get through the awkward time. One mom either special ordered or had her son's helmet professionally painted to emulate their favorite football team's helmets! People actually though he looked adorable. This is pretty common and many people know why the helmet is being worn. It will be a short time in the grand scheme of his life and he will be glad you did it when he is older. Also, it is Fall/Winter and actually a great time of year for it.
Hope those might be some "encouraging" points. :)
Hi J.,
I can imagine that you wouldn't want your child to look different... sorry to hear. However, it is worth it to correct it now. I did not have an issue with this with my boys, but one of my friends sons wore one for about 8 months. At first it was awkward for them, but in no time at all became just another accessory! They are kind of cute, actually... and temporary.
Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, but I always get a kick out of taking pictures of the boys while doing or wearing something out of the ordinary... those are the precious moments we remember.
Good luck!
My girlfriends daughter wore a helmet for about a year - the spot is now gone, and her head is a normal shape. The helmet did NOT hurt her child, or hamper her in any way. Besides, the pink helmet was pretty cute with her curls sticking out! I know that flat spots CAN inhibit brain growth - depending upon the severity. Trust your doctor, but get a second opinion if it makes you feel more comfortable.
Make sure you get a second opinion if you feel uneasy. If it's not affecting your son's brain, etc. then ask yourself if he really needs it. Is it in a spot where his hair will cover it up? Is it really noticeable? My son had a flat spot so bad he had to wear a helmet for 6 months and even though it was medically necessary, we had to fight our insurance company tooth and nail to get them to pay for it. They run around $3000.00. I've had other friends who heard the same thing from their doctors but decided against it and their kids are fine. If you do decide to get a helmet, see if the specialist goes through Wright/Fillipis (sp?) They are very well known in this department. It doesn't hurt to hear a specialist's opinion but if the spot isn't hurting your son in any way, why put him (and you) through it. Good luck!
2 friends have LOs that have helmets,one just starting this month and the other LO for 4 months and the older ones head is no longer flat and the younger is doing well with the helmet.