The rule of thumb is to wait unless your child has been stuttering for more then 6 months. Many times they will wait until the child is 5 or 6 because many children do out grow it and there is no easy fix for "true" stuttering. My daughter also stuttered when she was younger and the first thing the speech thearpist said to us was, stop talking so fast. We never realized how fast we talked and she of course was trying to talk like mom and dad. Also singing can help. When singing they are more relaxed. Another thing we used to do was play language games. Like when zipping her coat we would sound out the beginnig sound while we were zipping her coat. Like zzzzzzzzzzzzipper or putting on her shoes, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhoes. She out grew the stuttering soon after we started talking slower to her. Be careful when you are reading to your child also. Remember to read slow and clear.