I've had two C-sections. I had a very easy time healing from both of them. My first wasn't scheduled. I pushed for almost 4 hours before I had my c-sec. I had most of my pain afterward from pushing so long.With my second baby my c-sec was already planned. I was having very strong contrations and dialilating they were afraid I was going to go into labor so they took him two weeks before his due date. The worst part of that for me was just nerves. I knew what to expect and even though i had an easy time healing I was still very nervous and it hit me when I was getting checked in. I delived at Mercy and didn't get to stay on the new remodled floor so I was bummed about that. They took me to this little bitty tiny room were I was going to be until we check out but the staff at that hospital was so wonderful that when it was all said and done I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else!
The whole experience was better for me the second time around. The first time i was so exhausted from pushing plus a little drugged from the epidural that I don't have a real clear memory of when my daughter was born. With my son they gave me a spinal block while in the operating room. It didn't hurt at all. They told me I was going to feel a lot of pressure then I had two docs pushing down on my stomach that made me pretty quesy and then he was born. They made me get up that night to go to the rest room and it wasn't near as bad as the first time. I think everything was easier. Make sure your husband or someone else stays with you to help with the baby. When you get home accept all help possible!! Now is not the time to be "Supermom" just relax enjoy your new baby and the extra help. My incision became infected a couple of weeks later. Make sure if that happens to call your doc. They gave me enough anti-biotics to heal a horse. (I also noticed I did not have near as much post-partum bleeding as I did with my first).
Sorry I rambled.. Good Luck and keep us updated