I hope you get your wish and your baby comes sooner than later, I'm sure you're ready! With my son, at my 39 week appointment there was absolutely nothing going on. Four days later, I started having contractions and my water broke, so I went to the hospital because I was GBS+, but I was only 2 cm at that point. Long story, but they almost didn't admit me because they couldn't "prove" that my water had actually broken. Luckily, they didn't send me home, because it was only about an hour and I was having really strong and fast contractions, and I went from 2 to 5 cm. It took all of 10 min to get me from triage to my delivery room, and 5 minutes later they checked and I was 9 cm!! It can happen fast, but it doesn't always. I also had a friend that was walking around for weeks at 4 cm, and she didn't even feel a thing. Also, I've heard that labor progresses faster with the 2nd baby. How was it with your 1st pregnancy? I think that is a better guide than all the stories you will get from us, but it's fun to hear about everyone's experiences (and if the other mamas are like me, we love to talk about it :). Good luck!