My daughter was 4 when she had hers out, so she was much older. But I'll share how our experience was...
First, make sure they tell you about how he comes out of anesthesia. Nobody warned me, but when they are waking up, they can see, but their brains sometimes can't process what they are seeing. There's a name for this, I just can't remember what it was. She was screaming and her arms were flailing in the air. I had to kick off my shoes and crawl into bed with her and hold her in my arms like a baby. And she kept asking for me and I'd get her to look at me and she'd calm down for a minute and then start freaking out again. So, had I known that was a possibility I would have worn flip flops and some more comfortable clothes...and I would have been mentally prepared because it kind of scared me too!
His throat isn't going to feel so good for several days. I think on day 2 or 3 it even gets a little worse before it gets better.
Make sure you run out and buy/borrow/get at the library new DVD's that he hasn't seen before because he really is going to spend all day on the couch.
Make sure you have plenty of mushy foods. We at a lot of popsicles (it just felt good), oatmeal, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, frozen yogurt, etc.
They will give you a pain medicine. If it has instructions to only eat with food (or on an empty stomach?? I can't remember)...just follow the directions or he'll throw up and that does NOT feel good with stitches in his throat.
I also went to Target and purchased a bunch of hand-held travel games and activity books...thinking she'd want to do that in bed or on the couch. As it turns out, she barely wanted to move for about 4 days and the DVD's are what saved me.
Best of luck. If it makes you feel any better...he probably won't remember much of this later. :)