2.5 Year Old Waking up to Use Bathroom and Comes into Our Room

Updated on June 05, 2012
H.A. asks from Fair Lawn, NJ
5 answers

We toilet trained our son (2.8 year old) a few weeks ago and though I was not expecting it, he trained himself at night. As such, he will wake up in the middle of the night and come to me to use the bathroom, usually between 2-4. After he's done, he comes into our room and climbs into our bed and makes ridiculous requests (I want to read books, Can I have milk?, etc) and doesn't fall back asleep right away (needless to say, neither do I).

Here's the big issue. I don't want him in my bed. BUT, I am also 37 weeks pregnant. I feel like imposing some crazy rule right now would be difficult for him when it comes time for the baby. For instance, though I had originally contemplated putting up a gate, now that he uses the bathroom (only uses toilet, refuses a potty) and has night-trained himself, I can't quarantine him in his room with a gate because he will still wake up to use the bathroom. Additionally, it may be slightly traumatic to force him into this new system (where he will inevitably cry himself to sleep for a few days or more) only to subject him to the craziness of a new baby in the house.

Any ideas of how I can keep him in his bed without taking any drastic measures only weeks before the baby comes? I

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answers from Colorado Springs on

No crazy rule! Just take him back to bed - not to punish him, but to congratulate and reward him for being a big boy. Going back to bed is what big boys do! Then he gets to play in the morning.

When the new baby comes, he can continue being a big boy by taking care of himself at night - which is more than the baby will be able to do. Poor baby! He will also be able to "help" during the day by bringing you things you need for the baby once in a while, and by having you read to him while the baby eats.

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answers from Norfolk on

Get up and take your child back to his bed, tuck him in, and say "Good job on the potty. See you in the morning". Your child will quickly get the idea that he needs to go back to HIS bed. You need your rest right now, and encouraging him to sleep with you by letting him stay in your bed will create numerous problems when the new baby comes. My children were born 2.5 years apart, so from my own experience, expect some jealousy when you bring your newborn home. Try to spend some alone time with your almost-three-year-old while your newborn sleeps.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Ditto Melissa J, that's exactly what I'd do.
It's not imposing a crazy rule, just forming a habit!
Even adults can relate to having trouble falling back asleep after having to wake up to pee. I would just gently take him to his bed and lie down in there with him (I know, no fun when your 37 weeks prego and hanging on to every last bit of sleep you can!) But at least you start training him to go back to his own bed.

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answers from Austin on

Congrats on the night-time potty training! That is an incredible accomplishment!

When he comes in to use the toilet, take care of that, then gently guide him back to his bedroom. Get him a drink of water if he wants, and tell him it is time to go back to sleep, and you will play with him/read to him in the morning.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Get up and put him back into his bed once he comes into your room. He he freaks to much climb into his bed and slip out once he is asleep. Don't talk with him, just say shhh night night time.

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