It must be this age. My daughter is 26 months and has turned into a whining machine. She whines b/c she's thirsty, then the cup isn't right, then she's not thirsty, then the TV isn't on, then it's too loud! UGH!!! It's enough to drive me BATTY!!!! I just tell her "I can't understand you when you whine." Then I walk away. I refuse to pay attention to it. If it escalates into a tantrum I warn her, then put her in timeout till she's calmed down. It's slowly getting better. Very very slowly! She's also become lots more shy lately. We haven't changed our routine or anything, so I honestly just think it's the age. Suddenly they're aware of the big outside world and they get overwhelmed. I try to re-assure her as much as I can. Good luck and we'll keep our fingers crossed that this stage ends soon!