Phew! Poor thing. You sound stressed! My son started doing this too, right around when he could trust the nighttime sequence of events. You have to be a little proud that they start the protest at the bath, even if it is annoying. :)
I'd just stick to my guns. She will eventually give in to the fact that every night, for many years to come, she will go to bed (even if she "doesn't feel sleepy") and you will be staying awake. What worked best for me was just putting my son down to sleep and then letting him cry and tantrum etc. If I try to go in and talk him down or cuddle with him I either have to stay until he falls asleep or endure an even worse tantrum when I leave. I felt better consoling him, but for him it's like I'd renewed his hope that throwing a fit would work. In the long run, I didn't want every night to be like this so I had to firm up. If I felt bad I just remind myself that what he's actually crying about - he doesn't want to go to bed right now. That's it. I'm not hurting his feelings or making him feel like he's unimportant or that I didn't care that he was crying. He wants to see if having a tantrum will make me change my mind and I have to show him that no it won't. I've found that since I starting sticking to my guns the phases (and yes they will always be in and out of good phases) are much shorter lived and less frequent. It was hard and I often felt guilty but it's worth it.
I hope whatever you do works for you and remember to try things for at least 3 days before moving onto another. Sometimes all the "changing" is what is causing the meltdowns.