Any time a child looses a skill you have a big cause for concern and you should take it seriously.
I urge you to call your nearest children's hospital in the morning and make an appointment with a developmental pediatrician. This is something to never, never mess around with, find out for sure what is going on here and do not try to speculate about the TV. If you are wrong, it could be devistating for your son because he may need the earliest possible intervention.
Call tomorrow. The worst thing that can happen is that you will be sent away from a professional who has spent many hours evaluating your son, and who has called in many other professionals to evaluate him, and if he were to tell you that absolulty nothing was wrong, you will know for sure. If not, you find out exactly what to do to help him be all that he can be. Don't wait on this.
Just a note here...he won't qualify for school based services yet, he must be passed his 3rd birthday. Before age 3, there are state run early intervention programs, but a caution here, you should never depend on the state to diagnose your child. You should never know less than any agency or school about your child and what your child needs. You should not count on public services to give your child everything they need; while some may do more, they are only legally required to make your child "functional" and every parent wants much, much, more than the lowest legal requirement for their child. Suppliment private with public service, let the public educate your child, but don't count on them to be accurate at telling you what they need; because they have to fork over the service and pay for it, you will almost always get less than you think is best (which they are not required to give you anyway.) You should hold and own the evaluation that diagnoses your child.