Congrats on nursing so long. I weaned a little earlier at 18 months. was dealing with one last night feeding, although I did not nurse to get her to sleep. Here is what I suggest.
First start trying to get him to sleep without nursing. For us that was around 12-14 months. Whereas I used to do teeth-diaper-pajamas-nurse, I started to add things after I nursed until it was nurse-teeth-diaper-pajamas. Work on rocking, cuddling, whaatever works.
Second, start giving an extra cup of milk after dinner. Fill him up!
Third, I started to make myself scarce every 2 to 3 nights. So Monday I would nurse. Tuesday I would let my husband do the whole bedtime routine. When I was ready, I just had my husband do it like three nights in a row.
After we weaned, she didn't ask... until I made the mistake of wearing a nursing tank at bedtime. She saw those straps (which she used to play with) and remembered. I said, "No, night-night" and swiftly handed her to my husband And that was it.
It is probably easier to get rid of the morning nursing session first. I would just have him go right down for breakfast, and maybe let dad do it for a few days.
I applaud not doing cry it out or cold turkey. But it is hard to wean without help - you are the biggest cue to remind him! I loved nursing and it was hard to decide to stop, although it was nice to move on to a new stage with my daughter. I had nursed my older daughter until 13 months and SHE decided to quit cold turkey, just stopped asking, which was devestating. It is nice to have some compromise with our child and share the process. So don't feel bad about nursing after you think you are done. You can do it slowly, but try to be consistent.
Good luck!