Hi C.,
Don't want to repeat anything that other moms said before so I will be brief, my daughter had dark circles, just when she was getting tired, nothing serious, would consult with doctor anyway.
Speech...my 2 girls had it (one has it) we speak Spanish at home, we want them to be bilingual so that is how it goes. They both spoke late and not very well, at about 2nd to 3rd grade they do just fine.
Some parents speak a lot to their kids or use more words than others and deppending in what the child listen they will repeat, also if your kids are more like art oriented or may be interested in other things that speaking, like my oldest one, they won't care to speak much unless they needed. You might find that they are more advance in other fields though.
Talk with the doctor but also with a teacher....they let you know if there is a problem there or not.
For now....play with your child and have fun!
Mariana Abadie