No worries, my kids still end up on the floor sometimes (5, 3 and 2) and we have hardwood floors. I haven't heard any back complaints yet!
Hi Moms!
For some reason, my 22 month old son wants to sleep on his floor instead of his bed. We start off by putting him in his bed and he climbs out with his blanket and teddy and curls up on the floor! We go in there and put him back on his bed and he cries and comes right back out. He sleeps fine and gets up at his normal time. He's only been doing this for 2 weeks. The floor is carpeted right now, but if we have the finances this summer, we want hardwood floors. Is this one of those battles worth fighting? I don't know if it's just a silly phase or if he's just trying to dominate his domain.... What's even more weird is that he's fine with taking his nap during the day in his bed! I don't get it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
No worries, my kids still end up on the floor sometimes (5, 3 and 2) and we have hardwood floors. I haven't heard any back complaints yet!
Both my kids went through this phase at about that age. I have no idea why, but it didn't seem to do any harm. If it makes them happy and they're getting their rest, why not? Their bodies are so much lighter than an adults; I don't think it's uncomfortable for them at all.
you didn't mention the kind of bed, but if you have a toddler bed w/crib mattress maybe the floor is more comfortable/soft. otherwise i'd just go with it. after you get the floors he'll prob gon in the bed. or get him a sleeping bag : )
It's probably just a phase. With all the other possible sleep issues out there, myself going through some with my girl, I would not choose to fight him on this one! Since he is waking fine and seems well rested in the A.M.... This is an issue I would prefer to have over the one we are dealing with! LOL