Okay, I don't know what your set up is at home but put 90% of the toys away!!! (I keep ours in bins and in the closets and my children are not permitted to go into their closets, they have to ask and then I get the toy/game)....most kids are so overstimulated by having too much at their disposal...they usually pull out all the toys and make a huge mess but then they don't play with them and clean up time is crazy...so by putting most of it away and rotating your toys (I usually switch out toys once a month )...it's like Christmas for them and it helps keep them occupied for days because it's all new again. It also helps control clean up time... next, if your son throws or abuses a toy put the toy in time-out, someplace your son can see but not get to...and he can have the toy back when he treats it correctly...about snacks...set up a routine...if your kids watch t.v. tell him when Dora(whatever) comes on you can have a snack....don't bend...also I don't know what your rule is for food but my kids have to sit in their highchair or seats at the table to eat...this cuts down on the excessive snacking because what 2yr old wants to sit at the table all day and miss all the action... my best advice is stick to a routine because this will eliminate most tantrums because the child will know what to expect...also naptimes are sacred and they shouldn'y be missed except for RARE occassions...tired kids are grumpy kids...My last tidbit would be give your child words to help him express himself better...name everything..."you are angry and that's okay but we don't throw things" have your child repeat you(not to say it correctly but to understand)...and remember don't give in to the fit, it's okay that he is having them but you have to teach him how to behave and say sorry and "hug not hit" and be ready to pack it in and leave if you are somewhere and he isn't doing the right thing...you'll leave once or twice and they'll get it and the tantrums will stop! Goodluck!