I also tried to take the Paci away at 2 and it DID not go well :(
I called the dentist and he said as long as it is taken away by 3 years old then his teeth will be fine. We gave it back at night just to not have to "fight" it. When explained several times that when he turned 3 it had to go to a "new" baby to help them b/c he was now a big boy. We also let him know that he could not have his birthday party and get his presents til the paci went away. So he agreed. We tied it to a balloon at the party and let it go and made a big deal of what a big boy he was and then he got all his presents. His new presents kept him busy that week and he only fussed for his paci once. I can't tell you what to do with yours, but know that we have been there and do what works for you :)