My son was using his binky way too late, until he was 32 months. We weaned him off twice at 18 months and then at 2yrs3months but we traveled a lot by plane, and had all kinds of other milestones/event in his life (transition to a bed etc.), we had felt like it was too mean to take it, so somehow we always brought it back out, it became a crutch.
Finally, when we were back home and he was used to sleeping in a twin bed, we did it in 2 steps:
1. We limited their use to his bedroom ONLY at first, then to naptime and bedtime only (when he was in the bed), then finally no binky.
So basically when he left his room, he would hand over the binky and we would put it in the 'binky box' (clear tupperware) on his tall dresser where he couldn't reach it but he knew it was there. If he entered his room and he wanted it, he could/would ask us for it. We never offered it to him. This helped him get used to not having it always and sometimes he would just forget about it, play with toys, and not ask.
After awhile, we stopped giving it to him and when he asked, told him he could have it at naptime or bedtime (whichever was coming up). When that time came, we would OFFER it to him. "Climb in bed for naptime and you can have binky. Yay!" This helped us get him to bed too. We even let him pick what color he wanted, made it like it was a big treat! He totally forgot he used to have it available all the time. We would follow it up with storytime, from both of us, turning on his moon (nightlight) and then me leaving, kissing him and closing the gate. In the morning, or after naptime, we would hold out the binky box and he would deposit it in.
2. Finally, transitioning off the binky completely.
We just stopped buying them. If he threw one or lost it, we didn't replace it. When we were down to one binky (a red one), he would ask for a color, and we would say 'Oh,oh... only one binky left. Better be careful, don't throw it'
We would search for and retrieve it from under the bed, around the room etc. until one day...
We said we couldn't find it (we really couldn't), showed him the empty binky box, but said 'Mommy would go look for one tonight while your sleeping', 'what color do you want mommy to find?' He said yellow or some color. I said 'ok, I'll go find binky.' then I said 'goodnight I love you' and closed the gate to his room. He said 'goodnight', might have waited, but then went to sleep.
We did for weeks. Every night, as I'm walking out, he said 'mommy, I want binky' and I would say 'ok, I'll go look for it.' I stopped asking what color after the first week, and we stopped talking about binkies at all, unless he asked for it while I was walking out.
Even now at 3 1/2 years, ever once in a great while, as he is drifting off to sleep, he will say 'mommy, I want binky' and I'll say 'Ok, I'll find one, goodnight sleeptight, I love you' and then he will just say goodnight, roll over and go to sleep. Its almost like his way of saying goodnight now.
Now, we didn't plan all this, its how it evolved, but it worked very well for us. :) Hope this helps, let us know how it goes, G.!