My two boys are sick with what seems to be the same thing. If she is struggling to breathe or running a high fever, than you need to take her to the E.R., but if not, than try Vicks baby rub on her chest and I even put a tiny bit up their noses. I've also been giving my boys tylenol and if she is at least 20 pounds, half a teaspoon of childrens allergy syrup(recommended by my pharmacist) It's childrens benadryl. So far it has really worked for both of my boys. I also make my 2 year old weak, warm, decaffinated tea. If you can keep fluids in her and they help her little throat,that's half the battle. Try to stay away from the milk because they cause more muucus to build and make you more gunky, which makes it harder to sleep which, you guessed it, makes the little one more cranky. Good luck. I hope that you all feel much better.