You could or could not be pregnant it's so hard to tell. With my daughter I was 2 weeks late before I got a very very faint positive line. I got a blood test to confirm. Come to find out I just got pregnant the week before my period was to start so my body didn't have enough time to make enough HGC for a test to pick up. Even those ones that say test 3 days before your missed period.
But it could also be something like a cyst on your overies (not a big deal) people get them all the time and they are easy to get rid of with meds. But they can cause pregnancy like symptoms.
So if you take another test in a few days and it still comes out negative you can either wait a week or so or you can make an appointment with your ob cause either way you will probably need to see someone if you don't start soon.
Good luck and I hope everything works out the way you are wanting.