my kids never cried very long--less than 30 seconds. Just be prepared to whip out a bottle or a boob and they settle down pretty fast. My son never complained until he was 3-4 and could remember getting shots after the fact.
Our son (first and only child) has his 2 month doctor's visit next week, at which time, he'll be getting a series of innoculations. Any tips on how to make the injections less stressful for both him and I? Any tips on what to look out for afterwards? how might he behave? is there anything we can do to soothe him before, during and afterwards?
my kids never cried very long--less than 30 seconds. Just be prepared to whip out a bottle or a boob and they settle down pretty fast. My son never complained until he was 3-4 and could remember getting shots after the fact.
My son cried for all of 2 seconds, and than he was fine. Try not to stress. He may run a low grade fever, just talk to your doctor about if anything should be done in that case.
I always nursed right after them. Our pediatrician is very quick at doing them and if its more then one he always has the nurse come in so they can do them in opposite legs at the same time. My boys never cried very long.
My son never found them stressful. They don't anticipate that injections will be painful and really they do only hurt for a second. I would just not make a big deal about it to him.
It's more stressful on the parent than the child. There has been some newer research suggesting that giving Tylenol or motrin before the vaccinations and after blunts the immune response. This makes sense since these meds decrease inflammation, which is important in the immune response.
just went through this a couple of months ago. It went fine. DD cried briefly, so I nursed her until she calmed down. The rest of the day she was unusually whiney and she slept most of the day. The next day she was back to her self. It will be okay. Just remind yourself that you are doing something to keep your child healthy and well. A little pain now saves a lot of pain later.
All of those realy good qustions. Each kid is going to react to the shots a bit different. My kids doc will give up sheets telling about the shots that where given and sone of the things to look out for, and dont be afread to ask your doc these qustions. My little one the day they get there shots and some times teh days after sill sleep a little more. I will also give them a little bit of kids Advil befor we go in to get them as well. However for the life of me I cant rember what age you can start giving that to them...maybe someone else here will know. He might cry a little, and you might cry a little (I cryed buckets when my first one got his first shots), but by the time you get out and to the care you both will be fine. He is tougher then he looks and so are you sweety! Oh Also I find the mest way to make babys feel better is extra hugs and kisses. Mommy kisses can fix most thing!
Blessings to you and the little guy
Do not give them any pain meds before and after, I never did, I have 3 children.They did find out, that giving them pain meds such as Tylenol or Advil etc, will compromise the immunization....because the body will not do the job building antbodies as it suppose to.
I was lucky, never had a problem...
I ALWAYS gave my kids Motrin before we got to the Dr. it helped with the pain after. The site of the shot might get warm and maybe red. He might even run a low grade temp. not to worry it's normal. Not sure if you do but I would always nurse my kids after their shot and even my 2 boys right after they were circumcised. Something about it calms them down fast.
He will do fine.. Good luck
When my son had his shots it was over so quick he hardly cried at all. He had no reactions and he was fine.