Dear H., I see that all the other responses are telling you to "Not worry- 2 months is very young " Those are all true. I don't want to scare you, but if he was my little guy, I would keep on eye on it. He is very young, it is true. However if this keeps up past another couple of months, and if he doesn't show "shared aspect" with you- following along visually when you say or point to something- talk to your doctor about it. If the doctor doesn't really listen to you- call the local Regional Center or Early Intervention School team and make a referral. People who are experienced in the field can come out and talk to you, observe you with your little boy and make recommendations. I work with preschool kids who have autistic syndrome. I'm not saying your little guy is NOT "normal"- however if there is a problem, the earlier the intervention the better. There is earlier help available for kids with social/language deficits that before. For many of the kids- early intervention really makes a significant difference. He probably IS following along normal development like everybody else has said- but if he isn't, it's not the end of the world.
Amy Weatherby and Barry Prizant have done lots of research with young children and are a good resource to read.
Thank you for your concern. Just because you are a new mommy doesn't mean that your gut feelings are "wrong."