It sounds like you have a tense or uncomfortable baby, who is probably already sleep-deprived. This makes relaxation and sleep harder to obtain. Have you tried wearing her in a sling? Often this relaxes even the most anxious and irritable babies, and once they start sleeping more and better, then everything begins to improve.
Also, check out her environment. What detergents, scented products, and cleaners do you use in your home? There are hundreds of 'new' and relatively untested chemicals in modern household products, and many of them are strong irritants to the nervous system. Some research even suggests they play a part in SIDS. Try switching to scent-free detergent and NO fabric softeners (truly toxic). Avoid air-fresheners like the poisons they are. Most of your routine surface cleaning can be done effectively with completely non-toxic baking soda or white vinegar.
To help her relax more fully, check out these short videos showing tips by Dr. Harvey Karp, author of The Happiest Baby on the Block:
How-to's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6KnVPUdEgQ&feature=re...
Enhanced sleep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk5MUOMecHI&NR=1
Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu0TtxO-ocY&feature=re...
By the way, I see a recommendation for Babywise. This is a program that seems to work well for some babies and their parents, but is seriously harmful for others, and is believed to even have caused babies' deaths. I used to try to get "big" meals into my baby girl, but she simply couldn't hold enough food to last more than 2 hours, day or night, for her first few months. Big feedings would simply come back up shortly after feedings. The schedule suggested in Babywise would have been pure misery for us both. I resorted to co-sleeping, and it was the most connecting and restful solution for us.
Babywise author Gary Ezzo has been discredited as an 'expert' by many of the churches that first latched onto his workshops, and even his original publisher dumped him. Read these reviews of the book before you consider trying that approach yourself: http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Baby-Wise-Giving-Nighttime...