put him down for the night earlier. Try putting him down at 7 and see if that helps. My bet is that he has passed the window of going to sleep and gone into the hyper stage. I bet if you move his bedtime to 7 he will be fast asleep by 7:30.
And if that doesn't work, then just let him be. The room is dark, he is IN his bed, he isn't bothering anyone, leave him alone to fall asleep as he wants. As long as he is laying quietly in the bed don't worry. I really don't have any clue when my kids go to sleep, but they are tucked in at 7:15 and stay quiet and in their beds till 7 a.m.
I would also tell you don't ever take away his nap until he gets to school age. So many parents make that mistake thinking less day sleep will equal more night sleep but it really doesn't work that way. It's more like they can only be awake for a certain amount of time before they melt down. So even if they get 14 hours at night a preschooler just can't go all day with out a nap and function at top levels.
Sleep begets sleep. Bet putting him down earlier will solve all your problems, maybe even the waking up early issue.