My daughter has always woken in the night, too. She has gone through phases where she would just talk in her crib and go back to sleep, and phases where she would cry for us. Now that she is out of the crib, she has her regular go to sleep routine which is to go to sleep in our bed (without us). Sometimes we move her to her room, sometimes not. If we do, she comes into our room around 4 am. We have to keep the house really dark, or she will get up at 4 and be BUSY. We could try "sleep-training" but there would be alot of screaming and crying, and honestly, this sleeping arrangement works just fine for our family. She goes to bed with no problem at all about 3-4 hours before we do, and she gets up when we do. That's what matters to me. Not so much "where" she is sleeping. When you put him into his bed asleep, where did he go to sleep? Maybe he should just sleep there (unless of course it's in the car or in your arms in a rocker...I guess that wouldn't be safe/comfortable :) I know this isn't what any expert would suggest, but if the goal is sleep for your baby, I say, do what works. Of course I don't know him, but maybe after he realizes he can sleep without being put somewhere he doesn't want to be put, he can wake up and go back to sleep without crying. Some might say this is not the best way, but I believe you can allow kids to sleep where they are comfortable, while still maintaining discipline and respect in the home.