I would cut down on the TV, an 18 mos old really needs NONE, if you chose to do any it should be something like Leap Frog Letter Factory or some other leap frog type movie that teaches letters and numbers.
After years of watching daycare kids, I have learned that most kids get way too little sleep. I would recommend this schedule if I were you...
6:30 wake, eat breakfast and get dressed. Cuddle, play and have fun. Spend some of this time outside if you can. Walking, sliding and riding ride on toys makes for a good nap.
9 nap for her, shower for Mommy. She should sleep at least an hour but if she wakes at 45 minutes that is ok at this age. I would not let her sleep past 10:30 though.
after nap have a snack. Kids under age 5 need both breakfast and a morning snack. So let her have a snack of healthy foods.
after snack then more play time, if it's nice then have that play time outside. Talk with her about colors you see, count objects, say names of things. Enjoy her!!
12 lunch, then immediately after read her books and put her down for nap. I like the transition to be nap then bed so they don't get overtired and they don't get riled up.
12:30 - 2:30 or even 3 should be nap. This nap should be lasting at least 2 hours.
after nap snack again, yep, they need to eat every few hours until they are about 6 yrs old. Especially with dinner being so late at your house
After snack head back outside and play until it's time to get dinner ready. While you prep dinner is the time when you should use TV if you want. This will give you a distraction so that you can cook.
6 dinner, play with daddy, take a walk
7:30 bedtime, no snack needed