I just had my daughter evaluated by EI for speech delays. There is a minor delay but nothing too serious although they want me to re-eval her after she is 2 and they do not use a corrected age since she was a preemie.... but they do not feel it will make much difference.
Anyhow, my daughter at 23 months says only Mama, Dadda, Dog and baby clearly. She only makes sounds for cat and dogs and I think she is trying sheep but says moo instead of baaa.... anyhow- the ST said she is doing fine. She understands us clearly and while she does not say words correctly she is attempting them and making noises and sounds for them.... she just started this about 3 weeks ago though, before that it was just noise! So now poopoo is bobos, bird is dee, scared is skayed, thunder is boom etc... so it is a start. I did not know that they count those as words even though they are not correct. So sit down and make a list of the ones he does. Bottle- ba maybe? Or juice ju? There is 2 more words to add to your list then! When we sat down we actually came up with about 20 or 30 words, just not the way we say them!
As for not knowing how to play with them... come on Momma! You are a Mom... do you talk to them, read to them, spend time with them, sit at the dinner table with them, sing even off key to them? I am sure you do all of that... and a lot more! You are spending time with them and that is great! Keep making sure you do all that and describe the things you are doing. Also, when your son says something- even if not correctly- say yes that is a bottle, bird bee etc.... it will reinforce it!
Lastly, I know how hard it is to have one child in therapy... not personally but from my sisters experience! It has made her doubly paranoid that something will be wrong with the other one. That every milestone MUST be reached... she drives herself nutty worrying about all of that! Relax and enjoy your son and stop putting so much worries into it! We all want the smartest kids but did you know that slow talkers actually are retaining more but just can not verbalize it.... or maybe they just do not want to? Just make sure he knows what you are telling him and that he understands what the words are... bird, bee, ball, sister etc. It will all come soon enough!
Many blessings to you and your family!