Dear A.,
Toddlers often go through many changes from infancy to toddlerdom; teething, irritability, resistance to new things or old and others. Also, for many of my little ones (I was a foster parent for 33 years and cared for more than 100 precious, beautiful babies) earaches accompanied teething. These earaches were different than the ones that were separate from teething and I came to think it was because the teething hurt so badly that they didn't pull their ears - the greatest pain gets the focus kind of thing.
Another thing that I have seen change in this transitionary time is sleep habits - some for the better and some not - but changes in sleep are common. What will probably change is her waking up crying - which I think you have assessed correctly as teething pain. A dentist once told me that if adults had to go through teething most of us would commit suicide. There are some natural things that you can purchase at health food or Vitamin Shoppes that will soothe teething pain. There are also OTC rubs that help. For the inconsolable times for some of my children I did resort to baby tylenol. When she gets breaks in teething she will probably be that pleasant little baby again when she wakes up.
I hope this helps - at least helps you be less worried.
Warm regards,