Wow it sounds like she has you trained pretty well. I'm concerned about her mouth development and the risk of Baby bottle syndrome. If you allow her to go to sleep with a bottle her mouth could develope with an open bite and a high palate, and if you are giving her anything other than water such a formula or juice she is going to develpe decay if she falls asleep with that on her teeth. Bottom line you are heading for trouble with her mouth development.
I know you feel bad because she is small, but how bad will you feel if she gets cavities a this young age and the Drs have to put her under general anesthetia (to sleep) to fix preventable cavities?
Throw away the bottles, if you want make it a game, I've heard of people having their kids box up the bottles and mail them to the bottle fairy who will give them to little babies who need them, then the next day the fairy brings a gift for the child, it could be fun??
As far a the sippy cup, she will drink when she is thirsty and does not have the bottle as an option
Good luck