Well, my first question would be...when is he getting his bottle? if he is getting it before or during your meal...that is your problem, milk fills him up and he isn't hungry for the food...I did this with my first but now milk is served at the end of the meal. Another question I have is how about moving him from the highchair to the table, either take off the tray and push him up to the table or get a booster chair...he will still be strapped in but he will feel more included in what's going on at the table and besides now is the time to start teaching manners and what a better place than at the table... I think your son is trying to asert a little bit of control/independance and as hard as it is because he is your baby, start treating him like a bigger child and he will start to act like one...for example...eating at the table, let him throw away small things like paper towels or his own diapers(of course not the gross ones), let him get his diapers when you need to change him, let him put his dirty clothes and p.j.s in the hamper, let him help you take clothes out of the dryer, help put his toys away...all these things you do without thinking, by letting him help you are going to build a sense of responsibility but more over you will see the pride and joy he gets from being a big boy and helping...and I know you're thinking you asked about food and boy I got off on a tanget but, I believe they are all connected...give him more of a sense of control and all the battles seem to lessen. Goodluck!