unfortunately this is rarely a quick fix, although it's a very common problem. CIO is sometimes appropriate, but not here. it makes total sense that you would take him into your bed when he was sick, but now that he loves it there you must make the transition gentle and peaceful. that is NOT the same thing as being inconsistent. if you absolutely don't want a family bed, then make up your mind to put him in his crib and have him sleep there, but resign yourself to what could be a long period of adjustment. put him in there at bedtime, sleepy but awake, and sit quietly with him, NOT TALKING, just rubbing his arm or back, maybe humming gently. no eye contact, no interaction, just your quiet presence emanating love. same thing when he wakes in the night. whether you feed him or not, when you're done with necessary activity lay him down and sit there with him quietly. it may take hours for a while, and that is a miserable long time for you, but if you can put yourself into a meditative state and wait it out, your overall time dealing with this will be lessened. every time you give up and pick him up, you are teaching him that THIS is the natural result. you don't want him to dislike his crib, which is what will happen if he feels abandoned and lonely there. but taking him out of it just keeps reinforcing that it is not the place where sleep happens.
in a few weeks when this is sorted out, i hope you get the opportunity for a day-long catch-up nap!