Congrats on breastfeeding for a full year... but,
It saddens me that you want to refuse the comfort and love your son feels when he's nursing. It seems your push to wean him because of YOUR readiness to wean backfired and your son is taking the full burden.
You DO still have milk in your breasts and will continue to have them for years to come. Just because you squeeze and nothing comes out does not mean the natural mode of extracting the milk will not work.
I allowed my child to wean at her comfort level, so I can't give you any help in this area other than to allow him back to nursing if he still so strongly desires to do so. Your son is barely past 1 year old... what do you expect? That at 1 year they miraculously just stop nursing? Human babies are meant to nurse until at LEAST 2 years old if not longer.
Baby teeth are usually called Milk Teeth for a reason...