Have you tried the Lactose free milk? Perhaps she can't tolerate
the lactose in the milk.
Help please: my 13 months old baby has been having problems keeping milk down. she is able to eat any solid foods like, rice, soup, meats but for some reason the milk is just not working for her, this started to happen last thursday. before then she was fine with milk. I took her to her doctor on Saturday and the nurse said that sometimes its just too heavy for her if she has a cold. My mother thinks that she might just have something stuck in her tummy not letting her digest the milk. can someone recommend something.
thank you all for this, I forgot to mentioned that this just started to happen this past thursday she has been on regular milk for over month. this is why I'm so worry. I gave her about 4 oz yesteday twice in the day and she was fine. Then because she responded well to those I gave her her regular amount and about an hour later it just came out again.
Have you tried the Lactose free milk? Perhaps she can't tolerate
the lactose in the milk.
i have seen this not once...but twice in my OWN home. my first two kids did this same exact thing. everything BUT the milk stayed down. they were just ready to be weaned from the bottle. try cutting out all the milk for about 2-3 days. give her juice to drink in a sippy cup and make sure she's eating lots of tiny meals and snacks through the day. then try giving her milk in her sippy cup. take the bottle away cold turkey. we always let them take their cup to bed with them if they wanted to and slowly took that away. see if this helps because it honestly sounds like exactly what my kids did.
I agree with the other mom's. My son was lactose intolerant from the time I stopped nursing until he was over a year old the lactose gave him reflux. He does drink milk ok now. Our systems need to build up enzymes to digest the milk so maybe go soy and slowly add to cow's milk over time. I would try at least a lactose free milk or other options. My sister is lactose intolerant and says the soy milks are pretty good. There are plenty of ways to get the calcium in your daughter without milk. Are there any problems with any other dairy products? Cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc. This may help you answer some ?'s of milk specific or lactose.
Hope this helps.
Your daughter may not have the enzyme for digesting milk. Best thing is to let her instincts rule. You could try other sources of nutrients like soy milk. Cow's milk is not the only solution. S. D.
Your daughter may have a milk sensitivity -- not yet an allergy. Have you tried goat's milk or soy milk? Does she have the same reaction. Keep me posted.
Cow's milk is hard to digest because the particles are so large. Boiling the milk breaks down those particles so it's easier to digest. I nuke 8oz (in a pyrex measuring cup) for about 1:30 in the microwave and let it cool in the fridge for 20 mins or so. It's usually body temp by then. Just pour into the bottle and serve. Also, you mentioned a cold...maybe her tummy is upset if she is sick.
Good luck!
Try lactose free milk. Still a great source of calcium.
Good Morning J.,
Maybe her digestive system is allergic to the milk you are giving her. That's okay!!! If you read health books (natural) they say when a child comes off breast milk they don't need milk anymore. But if you really feel you need to give her to her, do to the health food store and try some organic goats milk or maybe they have a better idea. (they say it tastes like moms milk).
Good luck!
L. Hein
THE BOOK "I'm Doing The Best I Can!" (They won't always be cute and adorable)
Sounds like she’s either allergic to milk or lactose intolerant. Almost all grocery stores sell lactose free milk. My children and I are lactose intolerant. It’s not a pleasant feeling. I have found that when buying lactose free milk that the 2% or "reduced fat" milk lasts longer in the fridge after opening than "whole milk".
Brand names for lactose free milk: Lactaid, Winn Dixie brand, Land-O-Lakes, SmartBalance, probably a few more but these names should help you find the lactose free section.
I havn't tried goats milk but a friend of mine swears by it! And soy milk just isn't milk. I have tried a few brands but was just wasting money; no one in the house would drink it twice!
You may want to try soy milk. Maybe she's become lactose intolerant. Besides, soy is healthier anyhow. Give her other sources of calcium and don't worry about the milk.
She might be lactose intolerant. If she has just switched over to cow milk from breast or formula that might be the issue. The milk molecules are larger in cow's milk and a lot of time that is when the problem manifests. Try a soy milk or if you have a farmers market near you, goats milk (more like breast milk in the chemical makeup believe it or not) Give it a try! The soy is probably easier to get though and they make regular and flavored so if she doesn't like the taste you can get vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate! Also I am giving away free childsafe ID kits to the local moms on this site. They are simply cards that hold a current photo, info and fingerprints of your child so you're prepaired in the event that you would need something like that. Hopefully you won't, but it's always good to be ready. Anyhow, if you're interest I can get one for each of your girls. Just email me on here or at ____@____.com and let me know
Cow's milk is not great for kids' digestion.
Have you tried soy or rice milk? They can be easier on little tummies, and the soy can even come in a variety of flavors. Silk is a good brand, and they even carry it at Publix (so you don't have to make a special trip to a health food store).
Good luck!