the problem with most moms is that they don't understand what true discipline is...and it mainly means "our discipline"...the following up and following through and NOT/NEVER giving up or giving in....truly training our kids to handle themselves properly. It starts when they are tots...a 13month old knows what she is doing, based on how mom/dad reacts. So if you give in to his/her anger...allowing him to escalate it without disciplining him...even if it takes hours/days to get it through to him...based on how "strong willed" he is...then that is what it takes...but if you give in and say "its too hard" or he throws a bigger/meaner fit...then he just knows what mom/dads limit is...and he'll go there every time. i have four boys, strong, strong-willed....and they know exactly how to act...because mom and dad never allowed them to rule the roost. because of that, they are well behaved, respectful, obedient...and 100% boy! and i love it! they have rules and boundaries, they mess up, they pay the price...and that started when they were 6 months old. they threw food on the floor, their hand got swatted...they didnt like it, they did it again, i swatted their hand...four times in row...and guess what...they stopped it. tried it again, i immediately swatted their hand, they stopped! you TRAIN them! period! so if the 13 month old is throwing herself on the floor, I'd pick her up, swat her thigh where God provided "meat"..and say "no ma'am" you don't do that...place her in a spot that I use all the time...walk away, come back in a few minutes...pick her up, tell her i love her, she's a good girl and she will not throw fits...all the while smiling, not being angry or mad...just normal...setting a tone that this is what mommy/daddy does..no anger, outrage...at any time..just matter of fact...they get older, throw more severe fits, their butts pay for it...in love, matter of factly...hoope that makes sense..i have five to atest to it..and life is awesome...16mos to 13yr olds! it works for ALL kids...and it works the same when you dont make it work. you suffer and so do the kids...they cant stand themselves...just observe the masses and do the opposite and you'll have a beautiful life...or follow Dr Phil and Oprah and have miserable, undisciplined kids who call 911 if you raise your voice or take away their privileged IPOD! hahah sad but true...