13 Month Old Shaking His Head a Lot

Updated on May 31, 2012
M.S. asks from Troutdale, OR
10 answers

My little guy keeps shaking his head like his is saying no very fast, almost violently. He is non-verbal, he only has 2 words, uh-oh, and out. I haven't seen this before because me daughter didn't do it. Is this normal? or should I be concerned? He laughs and smiles while he does it, but it looks like he's going to end up with scrambled brains, I know it would give me a headache. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't need to be concerned, my sister says I worry too much, but really, isn't that a mom's job?

Thanks so much for the help!

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answers from Chicago on

Both my kids did it. I think they liked the dizzy feeling it gave them. They eventually got tired of it and started eating their hands and feet again.

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answers from New York on

Just something new he found to do! Ignore and he will stop. Don't worry
about him.

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answers from Cleveland on

My little guy does this too. He's 10 months old, and just started this a few days ago. It kinda freaked me out!

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answers from New York on

Our little guy did this too. The Ped said that they do it because it feels good, kind of like a toddler version of self inflicted vertigo, picture spinning till you drop.If there are no other indicators that there is something wrong, I wouldn't worry about it much.

Good luck to you and yours,
F. B.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi M. :-)

My son did this when he was teething - even in his sleep. I wouldn't worry too much but if it continues you might just call the advice nurse and see what she says before going to the dr.

And yes - it's absolutely a Mom's job to worry!!

Have a good day!



answers from Portland on

If you're worried than I say, ask your Dr. at his next check up. IMO, there is something to be said for mama' intuition and better safe than sorry right. Best case scenario the Dr. says he's fine. Worst case, they need to watch and see, right? Why not ask and put your mind at ease. :o)


answers from Los Angeles on

My son never did that, nor did any of my friends' kids or my nephews. I would take him to the doc just in case. You can never be too crazy as a mom right? Either you catch something early or, better yet, nothing is wrong. Take him in.


answers from Houston on

You should check with the doctor but I wouldn't worry too much. My son has been intentionally spinning himself in circles for months. He falls over and/or wobbles madly, giggling like a mad man the entire time. He likes too when you pick him and dance really fast/spin him to make him dizzy. My friend's son (one day younger than my son) shakes his head really fast for a similar reason we think. He enjoys making himself dizzy and looking like a rabid bobblehead is a small price to pay it seems. Besides his mother (my friend) reacts very dramatically and you can tell he enjoys her response. Good luck.



answers from Lexington on

head shaking by itself isn't a symptom of much. Look for other clues - fever, ear pulling, crying. Could be a sign of an ear infection, could be lots of things - could be he's just realized if he does this he gets attention, whether its positive or negative.

My DD started taht about the same age. 20 mos old she still does it occassionally - bc she thinks its hilarious and it makes her siblings laugh. My DS did something similar (banging his head) as an infant - turns out its an early sign of ADD, which he was recently diagnosed with at 11.

More than likely, it's just something new - maybe she likes the way it makes the colors run together. Just keep an eye out for any other oddities whether behavioral or physical. Otherwise, I'd chalk it up to a toddler good time. :D



answers from New York on

It is a sensory seeking behavior that in most cases is normal. I would just watch him. He probably should be saying mama or dad at this age but once again, could be normal. He really is still a baby. Just keep a look out for other things and if his language does not progress.

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