I know this sounds wierd, but my second used to bite (only me) 'out of love.' I call it that because he would only do it when he got really excited and was hugging me tight. He started at around 12 months, what I would do was when he would bite me I would flick his mouth with my finger (not hard, just getting his attention,) saying 'ouch don't bite,' then I would give him a big hug and tell him that I loved him very much but that it hurt when he bit me and I didn't like that. It took 2-3 weeks, but it worked! About a week and a half ago my fourth started doing the same thing (to me and my husband,) and we are trying the same method.
Neither one of them have bitten on a daily basis, though, and if that is what your baby is doing, you may not want to try this method, because even the lightest flick, done often enough, can make a sore spot.
Good luck!
~J. D