Hi C.,
I would suggest you do your own research on this vaccine. The information coming from your doctor is coming straight from the drug company that stands to make a mint on this vaccine. You need to read unbiased information on whether or not this vaccine is neccessary.
I have a daughter, too. From the research I have done, I can tell you that there is no way on God's green earth that we will let her have that vaccine. We find absolutely no reason for it.
You have to be careful of the way advertisers use statistics. When you look at the same information from a different perspective, it isn't so compelling. 10,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year. That sounds like a big number, but it really isn't. You probably have that many people living in your neighborhood. Also, this is the number of those diagnosed. The number who die is much smaller. In fact, cervical cancer is highly treatable. The vast number of those who die are over 40 and are NOT having their annual pap smear.
Also, it is clear that those who have taken birth control pills have a greater risk for contracting the cancer, but you don't see the pill being yanked from the shelf. http://cervicalcancer.morefocus.com/articles/cervical-can...
I am an information geek, so I read a lot about things like this. One article that I would suggest you read is from Mothering Magazine. The article was biased in that the author was against the widespread use of the vaccine, but if you read critically, you will find a wealth of useful information. It was in the May, 2007 issue. The article isn't available online, but you can get a back issue from the web site. www.mothering.com
You could also visit the www.mercola.com site and search for gardasil or HPV vaccine to see the controversy surrounding the company (Merk) who makes the vaccine.
It seems that this issue isn't about whether or not our daughters become sexually active or not, it is about money.
ANY company that tells you that they are looking out for your health is a company to be wary of. By definition, what they are really looking out for is their bottom line.
Be prayerful and knowlegeable about this before you make a decision that will affect the rest of your daughter's life.
Blessings to you,