Sleep is the body's way of healing and you should let him sleep if that is what his body is telling him to do. People underestimate the body's need for sleep after an illness and shots. Probably nothing to worry about.
Good luck,
I posted a question earlier on this morning about my 11 month old having a fever then rash, I forgot to add that he has been sleeping so much! All through the night and most of the day...I would say like 18 plus hours a day. He's happy and energetic and playful when he first wakes up, but after about and hour give or take, he is so sleepy! To the point of getting comfy to nap on the floor. He is also teething,(poor little guy, he's going through so much!) could this be a growth spurt? Or maybe due to his teething or getting over being sick? It just seems like SO MUCH sleep! Anyone gone through the same thing at this age? I hate to call his dr. for every little thing, but i guess that's what they are there for. Just looking for some quick advice before I call! Thanks everyone!
Sleep is the body's way of healing and you should let him sleep if that is what his body is telling him to do. People underestimate the body's need for sleep after an illness and shots. Probably nothing to worry about.
Good luck,
Hi D.,
My 18 month old sleeps a ton too, like 4 hour naps and sleeping from 7pm-10am at times. I think its b/c he's so active and grows like crazy. Sleeping is when their little bodies recover from big days of playing and growing. Sleeping is vital for their health, happiness, and overall well being. I personally would'nt worry, but you always have to listen to your mother's intuition. Enjoy it while it last, b/c its only a phase.
I would call the doc just for the reassurance, but I can remember my now grown up children going through phases like that. If I remember correctly, my son slept a lot more than my daughter did. He took two naps per day for a long period of time and she stopped that fairly early.
Sounds like Roseola. My son had it right at 12 months. He was back to normal in anout 4-5 days.
It could be all of those things. Sometimes if they are teething they may not be getting the sleep you think they are during the night. However, if it accompanied by a rash and fever, then you may want to call the pedi.
I wouldn't worry about it. When they teeth, plus fever, they're bound to be more tired.
Or, it could also be a growth spurt.
I used to watch a 17 month old little girl and she would sleep through the night, and then come to my house and sleep for 6-7 hours! Her parents said to let her do it, but I always thought it was too much.
Unless it's hindering his growth, milestones, etc. I would'nt worry about it. If it becomes a problem, just check with the pedi at his next appt for his 1 year visit.
I wouldn't worry about it either. I have a 9m old and she is doing the same thing, her dr said not to worry because months 9-12 are filled with growth spurts and new milestones, which cause them to be sleepy more often. Teething probally doesn't help either, but I would enjoy being able to get more done and atleast he isn't awake all the time.
A fever followed by a rash could be Roseola. Both of my sons had this before they were 1. Doctor told me to treat the fever with tylenol/motrin. And yes, they were both tired and worn out from fever and not feeling well. You may want to get him checked out by doctor just to make sure. My doctor told me anytime there is a fever with a rash, he definitely wants to see them to make sure what is going on. Hope this helps and I hope he gets to feeling better soon.
I always call the doctor. It is better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it is nothing, but better to have the advice of the doctor.
He may have discovered the art of sleeping thru the pain of teething. And the growth spurt thing could be, too. Now combine the two and...But I would check with the doctor-at least by phone.
His little body goes into sleep mode to put all his energy into healing himself.
If you're concerned or he doesn't snap out of it in a week or so, call the doctor or talk to the nurse about it to see if you should be overly concerned or if there are any warning signs to look for.
I suspect that sleep is just what he needs along with fresh water and healthy food too heal. You might as well rest up, because when he's back to himself, he'll probably run you ragged.