Our second son, who is now almost 13 months, has started doing this in the past couple of weeks. He used to get up at 8:30, and now it is about 6:15. I know he is teething, and I am pretty sure this is what is causing him to get up earlier. A lot of times you can't see anything yet teeth wise and that is when they are in the most pain. So, that may be what is happening to her. Hopefully it will pass soon. I don't get my son out of bed until 7. He doesn't cry the whole time before then, but I am trying to not get him used to being up that early. If you do get her up, I would sit in a rocker or in her room somewhere and hold her until a later time. Don't feed her, play with her, etc. or she will get used to getting up then. Feed her at a time you would like her to eat, and see if after a couple of weeks she goes back to getting up later. Good luck!