Well. My first was that child that ate everything I put in front of him. All my friends (with their first babies) thought I was some kind of Mom Superhero because Charlie would eat black beans, chili, and pretty much the same foods we were eating from about 9 months on. He still likes pretty much everything and is a giant kid (95th percent for height and weight).
His brother Joey (who is only 20 months younger) was the complete.exact.opposite. I ended up nursing Joey until he was nearly 18 months in part because he really did not like to eat solid foods. He is still not a good eater (he'll be 6 in Dec.)
Kids are different.
I'd say keep offering healthy food in baby sized bites. If you haven't already, try switching to table foods. By 11 months I was pretty much just offering things we were eating (in small soft bites of course). Try avocados, black beans, cottage cheese, and other easy to eat things you can give him tastes of he can feed himself.
Be prepared to perhaps not wean at exactly 1 year though... if you think about it, it's kind of an arbitrary milestone that we've imposed on babies to be done nursing anyway.
Good luck!