I was told by my OBGYN that spotting after sex is very normal.
Hi everyone. My question is has anyone had bleeding after intercourse? I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and 4 hrs. after sex with my hubby I started bleeding just a little redish brownish blood with no cramping. It wasn't alot but I have continued spotting into the next day. I am still feeling very pregnant and think this is probably normal. What do you think?
I was told by my OBGYN that spotting after sex is very normal.
I spotted after sex at 6 weeks pg and I am now just over 13 weeks. I would say your fine but I would let your dr know. I was told no more sex until after the first tri. I know how scary it can be.
Take care
I had this happen too. Sometimes I would spot for a couple days. I would talk to your doctor just to be sure.
Totally normal. I freaked out the first time it happened when I was pregnant with #1 (I'm not pregnant with #3) and made a call to my OB. He told me it was totally normal and not to worry about it. If you start soaking through a pad in less than an hour, then call or go in.