Hello & good day.
I would have to agree that you have received all such good advice before me. I like the idea of the musical instruments...we shall have to do that here at our home. Sounds like fun.
It also seems like from Marie's post, her child is a lot like my 2 boys who are now 2 & 3 years old. Building with blocks whether they be wooden or duplo, they love it! Manipulatives are wonderful for small motor skills which aids in handwriting skills later. And, I have to admit...anything with wheels is a BIG hit here too...especially if it goes outside like a wagon (good investment too)!
Another good investment we made was in 2 BIG metal Tonka Dumptrucks (one for each of our 2 little boys). They love riding in the backs of them as well as pushing them around the yard. Great Large Motor skills being developed with those around.
With your son being so interested in the kitchen supplies you may want to invest in a Food & Dishes set. Lakeshore Learning has a really good bargain.
You can order online too: http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/
And then if you were to ask me what my personal preference is...I would have to say our collection of Baby Signing Time DVDs are an all-time favorite of all ages. Great learning tools, especially for the younger ones that are learning to talk. What a great aid they have been for communicating and avoiding the temper tantrums.
If interested, you can find them online here:
Whatever you decide, I am sure that the love you have for your child by taking this time to invest in them will ever so shine so BRIGHT! You cannot go wrong there!
The best to you & your little ones!