The perils of being a mom! It's really so hard to do the RIGHT thing. Especially when u don't know what it is. I know you have the answer inside of u and u will figure it out as only a mom can. My experience with my children... One stopped breast feeding at 7 months, she hated it and loved the bottle! She never slept thru the night and even still at 10 will stay up late in her bed reading. She was also sooo clingy. She slept with me for years. My son breast fed till he was THREE! He would not stop until my milk dried up. He also was clingy but he did love sleep. I went thru everything u r going thru. Now my kids are 7 and 10 and neither are clingy in fact they r very independent and both are thriving socially and in school. I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes the best thing is nothing. They all seem to grow up okay. I think maybe give yourself a break and just go with it. It won't last forever I am sure of it! Best of luck!