My daughter who is turning one this week takes two naps a day--but they don't total two hours, so perhaps if he's getting a good nap in and then sleeping well all night, he IS getting enough sleep. Perhaps not; it's worth a shot at getting him more, but I wouldn't be overly concerned if it doesn't work. On the other hand--all three of my kids have woken crying at their crib...I've never had a kid that just woke up happy, in the dark and alone. They wake that way from naps and in the morning. All three of our kids have also gone through phases of what I consider extreme early morning waking (between 3:30 and 5 am). Lately, all three of our kids are getting up around 5:20 am. I'm not fond of it, my husband isn't fond of it, but there we have it. We have early risers; it just seems to be the way they are programmed.