for your sleeping problem, you have alot of good advice, i don't think i can really help you...plus i didn't do ANYTHING i was told to do as far as the sleeping goes. i had my daughter sleep with me the 1st 6 months (sids paranoia one of those if she's not in a crib, she cant get it kind of stupid ideas). i figured with being this frightened, i wouldn't sleep heavy, and would wake every 30 min or so to check on her and not have to get up just to make sure she was breathing. which thank got, she was fine. i did keep waking, and was able to check on her very often, but it is dangerous to keep a child in your bed (so many have rolled over on their child). once in her crib, i kept her bumpers in, i kept a couple of stuffed animals at the foot of her crib, and once she was almost 1 yr, i started having her sleep with a pillow, and after 2 months, i decided to just give her one of mine (it fits snug into the crib so she can't have it cover her head if she rolls off of it). i know that ALL these are no-nos, but i was lucky enough for nothing bad to happen (i also happen to get up many times a night to check on her).
as for the smoking. my husband and i both smoke, and we both try to not smoke around her as much as possible (more so me than my husband). when she's awake, up and around, IF we need/want a cigarette, we walk into the back room (we're in the basement, so that's the part of the basement that's not finished and she's NOT allowed in there) and we smoke, we also keep the door shut since she's not allowed in there. (sometimes my idiot husband lights his cigarette in this room then walks out of the room, and that pisses me off, but he NEVER listens, having him actually leave the room is amazing for him). when she's asleep, we have an air purifier in our living room, and we open the door to the back room with the fan on to push the smoke into that room and towards the air purifier (which we mounted to the ceiling to catch the majority of smoke since smoke rises). when outside we do smoke around her (not in the car as it's becoming illegal throughout the states) but we try to make sure we're either standing, or have it to where the smoke is above her head. we try to fabreeze everything and/or lysol it after smoking, before she returns to the room, but she's not allowed in until all smoke is gone for AT LEAST 10 min and there's no smell left in the room. i know that it's not the best, but it's better then actually smoking in the room with her, and having to deal with someone that refuses to not smoke in the house you have to compromise some way, and that's the ONLY way that seems to work for my husband. i honestly think that if we lived on the ground level (at least somewhere with windows that could open) he would either smoke outside, or next to an open window. see if maybe you can suggest to your husband to get an air purifier, and maybe get him to smoke in the other room near the window with it open (and ALWAYS keep that door shut) just to try and reduce the smoke as much as possible. i wish you the best of luck with the sleeping thing...you really have to find what's right for you.