My son was diagnosed with a floppy epiglottis and severe reflux just after birth, he is now 6 years old. I am not going to make this road we have been down sound rosy, but I will say our son is thriving and continues to grow, Though slightly under weight at times. Some tips we wish we were told about much earlier than we were was to use thick-it instant healthcare food thickener in your child's bottle. I tried nursing which lead to aspiration so I pumped for 5 month putting rice clerical in bottle which caused constipation. Finally a speech therapist told us about thick-it. It is used with stroke victims and works miracles concerning aiding in swallowing without side affects. Prevacid dissolved in water did eventually help. We had a cookie swallow done from an eating clinic every 3 months to see if his epiglottis was functioning correctly. We were assured this condition was a developmental problem and he would grow out of it. I thickened his food until age 2 and 1/2, pureeing all food. Baby food stage one was not thick enough. We also learned about "gripe water" to help settle his stomach. This is all natural and I purchased it through I-herb.com, this definitely helped with those screaming/ crying in pain nights. I suggest working with a speech therapist right away and an eating clinic. I have a close friend who is a speech therapist who has helped our family through this extremely challenging diagnosis. Our son is now an extremely picky eater with a lot of food aversions however he is with us and happy. I did a lot of praying through his infancy. I will do the same for you! Don't let doctors poo poo what your gut tells you is not right/ normal!