When my oldest was young, our pediatrician at the time suggested weaning him from a bottle in the middle of the night at age 1 and pacifier at age 18 mths (or maybe those two were reversed, it's been awhile). In any event, she said to let him cry it out and under no circumstances to go in his room. She said each night we did this in a row, the crying would be reduced by half until it stopped. The first night nearly killed us - he cried for 1 straight hour and it was very hard to stand by and do nothing. However, she was right on the money. The next night it was 30 minutes, the next night it was 15 and the next night he slept through. He never bothered us with middle of the night crying again. I suppose the key was that we never walked into his room those 3 nights. Not sure if this will work for you but you could always talk to your ped about it too. Good luck!