I spotted as you describe for four months and bore a healthy full term child.
If you are a little bit pregnant you are pregnant. And it does not matter if you don't know for another couple of weeks.
So my husband and I have had sex most of this month unprotected, so I know pregnancy is a possibility.. I have on and off sore breasts, moodiness, slight cramping, bloating, increased appetite, and increased trips to the bathroom. i've also lost 2.5 lbs in 2 weeks. i thought that was kinda weird. so on Sep 12 I found a dark red/brown spot on my toilet paper after going to the bathroom. it was also accomponied by some clear discharge. i thought maybe implantation bleeding. then today, Sep15, I noticed something similar a couple of hours ago. then just now again, but it's more like a light period as i actually have to wear a panty liner.
My periods are always consistant, and mine isn't due until next monday. They last about 5-6 days and i never spot before hand.
Oh, and also, this will be my second pregnancy if it is indeed a pregnancy. With my first i didn't find out i was pregnant until 6 weeks along, with intense morning sickness. i don't have any morning sickness now, just occasional light-headedness.
I just want to know if anyone out there has experienced something like this before? I wish I could test now, but i want to get the most accurate result, so at the very earliest, i'm going to test this saturday with clearblue easy home test....
any help would be much appreciated!
thank you =)
alright, i guess it was just my period coming on. it was really strange though, nothing like normal.
but, my period is here, and my pregnancy test was negative. guess i was just getting too worked up over it...
I spotted as you describe for four months and bore a healthy full term child.
If you are a little bit pregnant you are pregnant. And it does not matter if you don't know for another couple of weeks.
I tested 18 days after conception and it came accurate POSITIVE. I don't remember what I used but I know it was purple and it would say "Pregnant" if you are and it's about $15. My cycles are 25 days apart and very irregular. I had no symptoms.
Most people might tell you to wait, but I am not a very patient person when it comes to these things. I would go to the Dollar store and buy a bunch of pregnancy tests and start testing every day. I did some research last time I was trying to get pregnant and they actually test pretty low levels of hcg. We used an OPK this time and I started testing a few days after TTC, but it took 12 days after TTC to show up positive (very faint). Good luck!
I would wait till after your missed period at least a week or more some say the early result tests work but not for all...You could be won't know for sure till after the test...It it true about implantation bleeding and cramping sore breast,headaches,increase or loss of appetite,bloating but those are also signs of PMS
It does sound like very early pregnancy, but the only way to tell for sure is a pregnancy test. There are tests you can take 4 days before your period is supposed to start. It's a waiting game until then. Good luck.
I would agree with the other to wait. It sounds like it could be your period starting to me. :(
you can find out earlier if you like with a blood test.