I remember after my second baby, I got up and felt very strange. I looked in the mirror and seemed pale. It was so weird! Because that lovely 6-weeks of lochia hadn't stopped yet, I suspected anemia. I also realized that I had been having toast for breakfast for several days instead of my usual fortified cereal and orange juice (o.j, helps your body absorb iron).
So I googled high-iron foods and found that Cream of Wheat has 50% of your daily iron requirement. I ate some for lunch (that's when I'd figured out what was wrong) accompanied by o.j. and felt better in a few hours.
I think you'd feel it if you were anemic, but it would probably be better to just prevent it by eating some iron-rich foods. Just cold cereal and o.j. will probably keep it at bay, since you don't seem to be plagued by anemia like some people. Check out the nutrition panels of other foods, too.