Washing Running/tenny Shoes

Updated on April 20, 2009
V.M. asks from Virginia Beach, VA
19 answers

This may be one of those stupid questions, but does anyone out there throw there running shoes/tenny shoes in the washing machine? Both my shoes and my sons shoes are looking dirty and I was wondering if I could throw them in the washing machine?

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answers from Washington DC on

Yes, it's fine...and you can dry them too. I always do with my Deisels/Asics and they are fine...although certain brands may not hold up as long...so I would skip the drying, but especially with the kids' shoes, they will grow out of theirs soon enough so it doesn't matter how much you wash/dry them....they will hold up as long as they still fit!



answers from Washington DC on

Unfortunately, you will ruin the shoes if you put them in the washer. You can hand wash them. Just rub them with a wash clothe. AF

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answers from Washington DC on

The trick is to have a good boot-dryer. You will not regret it and will think nnothing of washing all of your sport-type shoes!!
We have two sons who are high level runners---this means VERY expensive running shoes, constantly needing washing, and with one being XC, we found we HAD to do this (you remove the spikes each time of course). Initially I was worried the fabric or soles or inside support would be ruined, but not so! I just toss them in on GENTLE/HANDWaSH, let them aggitate with liquid soap 10+ minutes, soak 10+ minutes and then complete the cycle as normal. I always use a little bleach...just a small amount. It never discolors the shoes and definitely kills all off-road substances and the odor. The trick aftrwards (to shoes which need to usually be used again immediately the next day) is to dry them on a small bootdryer like you see at ski resorts. I bought one for snow boots and gloves years ago before I ever knew we would encounter the running shoe issues of the other seasons. It is worth its weight in gold. You could also buy a mesh bag that slips over the inner side of the door of your dryer. As you run the dryer, the shoes are warmed but not tossed and beaten, and they dry to some extent, but I did not like doing this to good leather uppers or the finer mesh of spiked running shoes. To view the best dryer I ever found for a shoe/boot dryer, see http://www.dryguy.net/ I just checked it too, and now notice they have an inexpensive little dryer just for running shoes!! I think I will order one to see if it works as well as the larger one we have been using. We have been using the original model, the one rated #1. I sent each son to college with their own dryer...it has been the hit of each dorm as winter arrived and footwear was soggy for weeks on end. One son had a schedule for its use posted on his door and other kids would sign up!! It is among the best items under $100 I ever bought for our house. You can also watch for occasional sales or discounts, but they are admittedly infrequent. Have fun with clean shoes whenever you need them!

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answers from Norfolk on

I wash mine and my sons shoes all the time. I take the laces out b/c they will get cleaner if you do. I also often scrub the edges with an old toothbrush and bleach if the edge is white.



answers from Dover on

I occassionally wash my tennis shoes. When I wash them, I do not use bleach and I let them air dry instead of putting them in the dryer.



answers from Washington DC on

I do it all the time! But don't put them in the dryer. If you're a serious runner, I wouldn't put yours in there. You probably change your running shoes often enough. But, if they're just kick around shoes, heck yeah! You're son will grow out of his before the washer will do any real damage. Put a big scoop of baking soda in with the wash detergent, WOW, freshens everything right up!



answers from Washington DC on

hey there is nothing wrong with washing them.

just do it on a cold cycle. throw them in an old pillowcase. that will help protect your washer.

the effect of washing them is that they can break down a lot quicker over time. i dont recomend doing it to them alot.

hope this helps



answers from Washington DC on

I wash all our tennis shoes regularly. Just throw them in with a few towels and regular detergent. When the cycle is finished open them up good and put them outside to dry. Good as new. If they are particularly grubby and don't have any fabric color on them you can even add some bleach. I used to do this to my son's blue and white nikes all the time as well as to my Aviv's and they come out great.



answers from Norfolk on

I always do the key is NOT to dry them in the dryer. Let them air dry, use a fan if neccessary.



answers from Washington DC on

Yes I do , I tie them together by the laces and then put them inside a pillow case so they don't clunk around(tie the pillow case up)& then put them on a wash that's not too hot or long. I also dry them in the dryer but our dryer has a rack that is for shoes so the shoes stay in one place.



answers from Washington DC on

Washing is a good thing, especially if your little one has just pee'd all over them <g> Like everyone else has said, though, I prefer not to dry them. One caveat...if they are dyed suede, was them alone, and know that they may bleed on socks and such after they dry. I don't recommend that.




answers from Washington DC on

yes I wash my tennis shoes/running shoes in the washing machine.....take the laces out first.....and wash together. But do not dry them in the dryer.....they may shrink and crack.....I've learned this the hard way. Pull the tongues out and place them on a radiator or near a sunny window.....it takes longer than the dryer, but your shoes will survive the ordeal



answers from Washington DC on

Yep, sure can. I do it all the time. Take laces out, and loosely tie them together. Just let them air dry.



answers from Norfolk on

Hi Victoria...for years I have done that! but when my hubbie invested in some very expensive shoes from New Balance the girl told us a great secret! put them upside down on the top rack of your dishwasher (no dishes in it though) run a normal cycle with dishwasher detergent! NOT laundry! and no heat drying cycle! take them out and air dry...it does less damage than spinning in the washer and getting agitated! hope that helps! and it has really extended the life of my hubbies shoes!
have a good weekend!



answers from Washington DC on

Yes! about every 3 days. hubby is a clean nut. I just toss them in with a regular load. Dry them on low/air dry.



answers from Washington DC on

I've done it in the past, but not with good results. You may want to try lightly spraying the shoes with an all purpose cleaner, brushing with a scrub brush, and wiping with a damp cloth.



answers from Washington DC on

Yes :). Not a stupid question! I asked it many times before I remembered that you can. Adn you can dry them, but I normally just let them air dry. Good luck!



answers from Norfolk on

i do. even the ones with lights in them. some say it shrinks them but ive not noticed that. i even dry them in the dryer by putting them in a lingerie bag and draping it over the door so i dont have to hear them go thunk thunk as the tub goes round.



answers from Lynchburg on

absolutely wash them dry them on top of the dryer with a couple of wash clothes inside to help speed the drying process. I alwaays buy three pair so I have one in the wash one on and one in reserve evie

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