This can be a loaded topic.
::This is frankly just my opinoin, and my husband's first hand experience. I DO NOT want any debate on it. AS if that is the case. Please do not read my response.::
We would be getting our little boy circumsized IF we were having a little boy. We are blessed with another girl. (Poor Hubby, he really wants a boy.)
My husband works in the medical field. He worked in a care home for 5+ years and also at the local hospital for 5+ years. What he's experienced in older men that are not circumsized is that they tend to get infections much more frequently. With age, the foreskin shrinks and can be painful. He's seen many older men who have penial cancer (the ones he's seen have not been circumsized . NOT that he's saying that if you circumsize that it won't happen.) He just sees A LOT of problems around uncircumsized men.
Now like I said, this is our opionion. Please don't debate anything I've said...