I try to make large batches, freeze in ice cube trays, then store in ziplocks in freezer with the contents and date written outside. For example, buy a few bags of organic frozen peas, cook them as you normally would, put them into the blender (along with the water you cooked them in - this will help make the puree thinner and less lumpy) on puree, then pour them into the icecube trays and cover with plastic wrap. You may need to buy a few extra trays if you still want to use a couple for making ice. Then you can just microwave the cube or cubes (depending on age and appetite) for 30-45 seconds, stir, test temperature and serve! You can keep lots of different veggies in their bags in the freezer and give a few in the same bowl for variety. And when you introduce a new veggie or fruit, you can just combine it with one you know he/she already likes.