In the past, I have used the pill, Norplant, and Depo shots for birth control (at seperate times, of course!). I have also used condoms. Let me share my experiences with all of these.
The PILL- I have a pill baby. He was concieved because I took an antibiotic while on the pill and wasn't informed that taking an antibiotic could neutralize the effects of the pill.
Condoms- I also have a condom baby. Apparently a condom has to stay in place to work... who knew?!!? LOL
Norplant- After I decided these two forms of BC weren't working for me, I went with one that was supposed to be "foolproof". I must admit, it was great!! It was put in place in a minor proceedure performed in the dr's office and I went home about an hour later. I felt minor tenderness, but no pain. The only thing I was extra careful about was having anything put any form of pressure on the site. I was scared to have my BP taken in that arm, for instance. I had it removed because I was going to be a surrogate mother. The removal was pretty simple, too. Same as the "installation" but in reverse. Had I left it in place, it would have laster 5 years.
Depo- I will never ever use Depo again! I was on it once, after I had the Norplant removed and then decided to not go thru with the surrogacy. It was great that time thru. I had just one period in six months! -- Then, after I met my husband and had my third child, I used it again. I bled for 3 months straight! It was a nightmare!!
No form of BC is perfect. Just use the one that YOU think is right for YOU. Talk to your doctor and other healthcare professionals... it is important to have more than one medical opinion. Choose for you, don't let someone else decide for u!